Computers in some form are in almost everything these days. From Toasters to Televisions, just about all electronic things has some form of processor in them. This is a very large change from the way it used to be, when a computer that would take up an entire room and weighed tons of pounds has the same amount of power as a scientific calculator. The changes that computers have undergone in the last 40 years have been colossal. So many things have changed from the ENIAC that had very little power, and broke down once every 15 minutes and took another 15 minutes to repair, to our Pentium Pro 200's, and the powerful Silicon Graphics Workstations, the core of the machine has stayed basically the same. The only thing that has really changed in the processor is the speed that it translates commands from 1's and 0's to data that actually means something to a normal computer user. Just in the last few years, computers have undergone major changes. PC users came from using MS-DOS and Windows 3.1, to Windows 95, a whole new operating system. Computer speeds have taken a huge increase as well, in 1995 when a normal computer was a 486 computer running at 33 MHz, to 1997 where a blazing fast Pentium (AKA 586) running at 200 MHz plus. The next generation of processors is slated to come out this year as well, being the next CPU from Intel, code named Merced, running at 233 MHz, and up. Another major innovation has been the Internet. This is a massive change to not only the computer world, but to the entire world as well. The Internet has many different facets, ranging from newsgroups, where you can choose almost any topic to discuss with a range of many other people, from university professors, to professionals of the field of your choice, to the average person, to IRC, where you can chat in real time to other people around the world, to the World Wide Web, which is a mass of information networked from places around the world. Nowadays, no matter where you look, computers are somewhere, doing something.

Changes in computer hardware and software have taken great leaps and jumps since the first video games and word processors. Video games started out with a game called Pong...monochrome (2 colors, typically amber and black, or green and black), you had 2 controller paddles, and the game resembled a slow version of Air Hockey. The first word processors had their roots in MS-DOS, these were not very sophisticated nor much better than a good typewriter at the time. About the only benefits were the editing tools available with the word processors. But, since these first two dinosaurs of software, they have gone through some major changes. Video games are now placed in fully 3-D environments and word processors now have the abilities to change grammar and check your spelling.

Hardware has also undergone some fairly major changes. When computers entered their 4th generation, with the 8088 processor, it was just a base computer, with a massive processor, with little power, running at 3-4 MHz, and there was no sound to speak of, other than blips and bleeps from an internal speaker. Graphics cards were limited to two colors (monochrome), and RAM was limited to 640k and less. By this time, though, computers had already undergone massive changes. The first computers were massive beasts of things that weighed thousands of pounds. The first computer was known as the ENIAC, it was the size of a room, used punched cards as input and didn't have much more power than a calculator. The reason for it being so large is that it used vacuum tubes to process data. It also broke down very the tune of once every fifteen minutes, and then it would take 15 minutes to locate the problem and fix it. This beast also used massive amount of power, and people u sed to joke that the lights would dim in the city of origin whenever the computer was used.

The Early Days of Computers

The very first computer, in the roughest sense of the term, was the abacus. Consisting of beads strung on wires, the abacus was the very first desktop calculator. The first actual mechanical computer came from an individual named Blaise Pascal, who built an adding machine based on gears and wheels. This invention did not become improved significantly until a person named Charles Babbage came along, who made a machine called the difference engine. It is for this, that Babbage is known as the "Father of the Computer."

Born in England in 1791, Babbage was a mathematician, and an inventor. He decided a machine could be built to solve polynomial equations more easily and accurately by calculating the differences between them. The model of this was named the Difference Engine. The model was so well received that he began to build a full scale working version, with money that he received from the British Government as a grant.

Babbage soon found that the tightest design specifications could not produce an accurate machine. The smallest imperfection was enough to throw the tons of mechanical rods and gears, and threw the entire machine out of whack. After spending 17,000 pounds, the British Government withdrew financial support. Even though this was a major setback, Babbage was not discouraged. He came up with another machine of wheels and cogs, which he would call the analytical engine, which he hoped would carry out many different kinds of calculations. This was also never built, at least by Babbage (although a model was put together by his son, later), but the main thing about this was it manifested five key concepts of modern computers --

Input device

Processor or Number calculator

Storage unit to hold number waiting to be processed

Control unit to direct the task waiting to be performed and the sequence of calculations

Output device

Parts of Babbage's inventions were similar to an invention built by Joseph Jacquard. Jacquard, noting the repeating task of weavers working on looms, came up with a stiff card with a series of holes in it, to block certain threads from entering the loom and blocked others from completing the weave. Babbage saw that the punched card system could be used to control the calculations of the analytical engine, and brought it into his machine.

Ada Lovelace was known as the first computer programmer. Daughter of an English poet (Lord Byron), went to work with Babbage and helped develop instructions for doing calculations on the analytical engine. Lovelace's contributions were very great, her interest gave Babbage encouragement; she was able to see that his approach was workable and also published a series of notes that led others to complete what he prognosticated.

Since 1970, the US Congress required that a census of the population be taken every ten years. For the census for 1880, counting the census took 71/2 years because all counting had to be done by hand. Also, there was considerable apprehension in official society as to whether the counting of the next census could be completed before the next century.

A competition was held to find some way to speed the counting process. In the final test, involving a count of the population of St. Louis, Herman Hollerith's tabulating machine completed the count in only 51/2 hours. As a result of his systems adoption, an unofficial count of the 1890 population was announced only six weeks after the census was taken. Like the cards that Jacquard used for the loom, Hollerith's punched cards also used stiff paper with holes punched at certain points. In his tabulating machine, roods passed through the holes to complete a circuit, which caused a counter to advance one unit. This capability pointed up the principal difference between the analytical engine and the tabulating machine; Hollerith was able to use electrical power rather than mechanical power to drive the device.

Hollerith, who had been a statistician with the Census Bureau, realized that the punched card processing had high potential for sales. In 1896, he started the Tabulating Machine Company, which was very successful in selling machines to railroads and other clients. In 124, this company merged with two other companies to form the International Business Machines Corporation, still well known today as IBM.

IBM, Aiken & Watson

For over 30 years, from 1924 to 1956, Thomas Watson, Sr., ruled IBM with an iron grip. Before becoming the head of IBM, Watson had worked for the Tabulating Machine Company. While there, he had a running battle with Hollerith, whose business talent did not match his technical abilities. Under the lead of Watson, IBM became a force to be reckoned with in the business machine market, first as a purveyor of calculators, then as a developer of computers.

IBM's entry into computers was started by a young person named Howard Aiken. In 1936, after reading Babbage's and Lovelace's notes, Aiken thought that a modern analytical engine could be built. The important difference was that this new development of the analytical engine would be electromechanical. Because IBM was such a power in the market, with lots of money and resources, Aiken worked out a proposal and approached Thomas Watson. Watson approved the deal and give him 1 million dollars in which to make this new machine, which would later be called the Harvard Mark I, which began the modern era of computers.

Nothing close to the Mark I had ever been built previously. It was 55 feet long and 8 feet high, and when it processed information, it made a clicking sound, equivalent to (according to one person) a room full of individuals knitting with metal needles. Released in 1944, the sight of the Mark I was marked by the presence of many uniformed Navy officers. It was now W.W.II and Aiken had become a naval lieutenant, released to Harvard to help build the computer that was supposed to solve the Navy's obstacles.

During the war, German scientists made impressive advances in computer design. In 1940 they even made a formal development proposal to Hitler, who rejected farther work on the scheme, thinking the war was already won. In Britain however, scientists succeeded in making a computer called Colossus, which helped in cracking supposedly unbreakable German radio codes. The Nazis unsuspectingly continued to use these codes throughout the war. As great as this accomplishment is, imagine the possibilities if the reverse had come true, and the Nazis had the computer technology and the British did not.

In the same time frame, American military officers approached Dr. Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania and asked him to develop a machine that would quickly calculate the trajectories for artillery and missiles. Mauchly and his student, Presper Eckert, relied on the work of Dr. John Atanasoff, a professor of physics at Iowa State University.

During the late '30's, Atanasoff had spent time trying to build an electronic calculating device to help his students solve complicated math problems. One night, the idea came to him for linking the computer memory and the associated logic. Later, he and an associate, Clifford Berry, succeeded in building the "ABC," for Atanasoff-Berry Computer. After Mauchly met with Atanasoff and Berry, he used the ABC as the basis for the next computer development. From this association ultimately would come a lawsuit, considering attempts to get patents for a commercial version of the machine that Mauchly built. The suit was finally decided in 1974, when it was decided that Atanasoff had been the true developer of the ideas required to make an electronic digital computer actually work, although some computer historians dispute this decision. But during the war years, Mauchly and Eckert were able to use the ABC principals in dramatic effect to create the ENIAC.

Computers Become More Powerful

The size of ENIAC's numerical "word" was 10 decimal digits, and it could multiply two of

these numbers at a rate of 300 per second, by finding the value of each product from a

Multiplication table stored in its memory. ENIAC was about 1000 times faster than the previous generation of computers. ENIAC used 18,000 vacuum tubes, about 1,800 square feet of floor space, and consumed about 180,000 watts of electrical power. It had punched card input, 1 multiplier, 1 divider/square rooter, and 20 adders using decimal ring counters, which served as adders and also as quick-access (.0002 seconds) read-write register storage. The executable

instructions making up a program were embodied in the separate "units" of ENIAC, which

were plugged together to form a "route" for the flow of information. The problem with the ENIAC was that the average life of a vacuum tube is 3000 hours, and a vacuum tube would then burn out once every 15 minutes. It would take on average 15 minutes to find the burnt out tube and replace it.

Enthralled by the success of ENIAC, the mathematician John Von Neumann undertook, in 1945, a study of computation that showed that a computer should have a very basic, fixed physical construction, and yet be able to carry out any kind of computation by means of a proper programmed control without the need for any change in the unit itself. Von Neumann contributed a new consciousness of how sensible, yet fast computers should be organized and assembled. These ideas, usually referred to as the stored-program technique, became important for future generations of high-speed digital computers and were wholly adopted. The Stored-Program technique involves many features of computer design and function besides the one that it is named after. In combination, these features make very high speed operations attainable. An impression may be provided by considering what 1,000 operations per second means. If each instruction in a job program were used once in concurrent order, no human p rogrammer could induce enough instruction to keep the computer busy. Arrangements must be made, consequently, for parts of the job program (called subroutines) to be used repeatedly in a manner that depends on the way the computation goes. Also, it would clearly be helpful if instructions could be changed if needed during a computation to make them behave differently. Von Neumann met these two requirements by making a special type of machine instruction, called a Conditional control transfer -- which allowed the program sequence to be stopped and started again at any point - and by storing all instruction programs together with data in the same memory unit, so that, when needed, instructions could be changed in the same way as data.

As a result of these techniques, computing and programming became much faster, more flexible, and more efficient with work. Regularly used subroutines did not have to be reprogrammed for each new program, but could be kept in "libraries" and read into memory only when needed. Hence, much of a given program could be created from the subroutine library. The computer memory became the collection site in which all parts of a long computation were kept, worked on piece by piece, and put together to form the final results. When the advantage of these techniques became clear, they became a standard practice.

The first generation of modern programmed electronic computers to take advantage of these improvements was built in 1947. This group included computers using Random- Access-Memory (RAM), which is a memory designed to give almost constant access to any particular piece of information. . These machines had punched-card or tape I/O devices. Physically, they were much smaller than ENIAC. Some were about the size of a grand piano and used only 2,500 electron tubes, a lot less then required by the earlier ENIAC. The first-generation stored-program computers needed a lot of maintenance, reached probably about 70 to 80% reliability of operation (ROO) and were used for 8 to 12 years. This group of computers included EDVAC and UNIVAC, the first commercially available computers.

Early in the 50's two important engineering discoveries changed the image of the electronic-computer field, from one of fast but unreliable hardware to an image of relatively high reliability and even more capability. These discoveries were the magnetic core memory and the Transistor - Circuit Element. These technical discoveries quickly found their way into new models of digital computers. RAM capacities increased from 8,000 to 64,000 words in commercially available machines by the 1960's, with access times of 2 to 3 MS (Milliseconds). These machines were very expensive to purchase or even to rent and were particularly expensive to operate because of the cost of expanding programming. Such computers were mostly found in large computer centers operated by industry, government, and private laboratories -- staffed with many programmers and support personnel. This situation led to modes of operation enabling the sharing of the high potential available. During this time, anoth er important development was the move from machine language to assembly language, also known as symbolic languages. Assembly languages use abbreviations for instructions rather than numbers. This made programming a computer a lot easier.

After the implementation of assembly languages came high-level languages. The first language to be universally accepted was a language by the name of FORTRAN, developed in the mid 50's as an engineering, mathematical, and scientific language. Then, in 1959, COBOL was developed for business programming usage. Both languages, still being used today, are more English like than assembly. Higher level languages allow programmers to give more attention to solving problems rather than coping with the minute details of the machines themselves. Disk storage complimented magnetic tape systems and enabled users to have rapid access to data required.

All these new developments made the second generation computers easier and less costly to operate. This began a surge of growth in computer systems, although computers were being mostly used by business, university, and government establishments. They had not yet been passed down to the general public. The real part of the computer revolution was about to begin.

One of the most abundant elements in the earth is silicon; a non-metal substance found in sand as well as in most rocks and clay. The element has given rise to the name "Silicon Valley" for Santa Clara County, about 50 km south of San Francisco. In 1965, Silicon valley became the principle site of the computer industry, making the so-called silicon chip.

An integrated circuit is a complete electronic circuit on a small chip of silicon. The chip may be less than 3mm square and contain hundreds to thousands of electronic components. Beginning in 1965, the integrated circuit began to replace the transistor in machines was now called third-generation computers. An Integrated Circuit was able to replace an entire circuit board of transistors with one chip of silicon much smaller than one transistor. Silicon is used because it is a semiconductor. It is a crystalline substance that will conduct electric current when it has been doped with chemical impurities shot onto the structure of the crystal. A cylinder of silicon is sliced into wafers, each about 76mm in diameter. The wafer is then etched repeatedly with a pattern of electrical circuitry. Up to ten layers may be etched onto a single wafer. The wafer is then divided into several hundred chips, each with a circuit so small it is half the size of a fingernail; yet under a micr oscope, it is complex as a railroad yard. A chip 1 centimeter square it is so powerful that it can hold 10,000 words, about the size of an average newspaper.

Integrated circuits entered the market with the simultaneous announcement in 1959 by Texas Instruments and Fairchild Semiconductor that they had each independently produced chips containing several complete electronic circuits. The chips were hailed as a generational breakthrough because they had four desirable characteristics.

Reliability - They could be used over and over again without failure, whereas vacuum tubes failed ever fifteen minutes. Chips rarely failed -- perhaps one in 33 million hours of operation. This reliability was due not only to the fact that they had no moving parts but also that semiconductor firms gave them a rigid work/not work test.

Compactness - Circuitry packed into a small space reduces equipment size. The machine speed is increased because circuits are closer together, thereby reducing the travel time for the electricity.

Low Cost - Mass-production techniques has made possible the manufacture of inexpensive integrated circuits. That is, miniaturization has allowed manufacturers to produce many chips inexpensively.

Low power use -- Miniaturization of integrated circuits has meant that less power is required for computer use than was required in previous generations. In an energy-conscious time, this was important.

The Microprocessor

Throught the 1970's, computers gained dramatically in speed, reliability, and storage capacity, but entry into the fourth generation was evolutionary rather than revolutionary. The fourth generation was, in fact, furthering the progress of the third generation. Early in the first part of the third generation, specialized chips were developed for memory and logic. Therefore, all parts were in place for the next technological development, the microprocessor, or a general purpose processor on a chip. Ted Hoff of Intel developed the chip in 1969, and the microprocessor became commercially available in 1971.

Nowadays microprocessors are everywhere. From watches, calculatores and computers, processors can be found in virtually every machine in the home or business. Environments for computers have changed, with no more need for climate-controlled rooms and most models of microcomputers can be placed almost anywhere.

New Stuff

After the technoligical improvements in the 60's and the 70's, computers haven't gotten much different, aside from being faster, smaller and more user friendly. The base architecture of the computer itself is fundementally the same. New improvements from the 80's on have been more "Comfort Stuff", those being sound cards (For hi-quality sound and music), CD-ROMs (large storage capicity disks), bigger monitors and faster video cards. Computers have come a long way, but there has not really been alot of vast technological improvements, architecture-wise.

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The Jade Peony Character Sketch

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The main character in this pragmatic story, The Jade Peony, is the protagonist, Grandmama. She is a loving and tenacious Chinese elderly woman who moreover is laid-back, and doesnt concern herself with what people think of her, and her doings. This story takes place in wet Vancouver, British Columbia, where this Chinese family has just immigrated. Wandering the back alleys of Keefer and Pender Streets, peering into our neighbors garbage cans, chasing away hungry, nervous cats and shouting curses at them. Furthermore, this story is set around numerous garbage cans of residents who live in the neighborhoods in close proximity, where Grandmama and her grandson, Sek-Lung search for pieces, which can be recycled for her sacrosanct wind chime.

You know, Little Son, whatever happens I will never leave you. Grandmama is such a loving woman, and compassionate grandmother that she vows to always be with her grandson, Sek-Lung, no matter what the circumstances. She is conscious of the fact that she is dying, but she is still so confident, and sure of herself. She embraced me. Grandmama loved her grandson, and showed this by hugging him. She wasnt afraid or ashamed to show affection and let her grandson know he was loved very much by her. I will always be with you. She will never leave Sek-Lung, even when the time comes and she passes away, they will always be together in spirit. The singular connection and bond that they share is something that will last an eternity, and can withstand anything, even death itself.

For days she resisted going into the hospital a cold, just a cold Grandmama is a tenacious woman who is aware of the fact that she is dying and does not have a great deal longer to live, and that the only hope of her surviving is to go to a hospital, but she refuses, insisting that she has merely contracted a cold. I am too stubborn. She directly tells us that she is a stubborn woman, and her actions definitely demonstrate this. Her family tries persuading her to go to a hospital, but to no avail. The only cure for old age is to die. For days and days she refuses, believing that if her time has come than she must go, and not try to fight it. Only after days of persuasion from her family does she finally, reluctantly agree to go to a hospital.

Father, Oldest brother Kiam began, waving his bamboo brush in the air, you must realize that this Mandarin only confuses us And you do not complain about Latin, French Father rattled his newspaper, signal that his patience was ending. We could all hear Grandmamas rocker. Father and Kiam argued doggedly, while Grandmama sat rocking in her rocker, without a care in the world, as if nothing considerable or out of the ordinary were happening. Back and forth she rocked serenely. Grandmama went on rocking quietly in her chair. She complimented my mother in her knitting, made a remark about the strong beauty of Kiams brushstrokes All this babbling noise was his family torn and confused in a strange land: everything here was so foreign and scientific. Grandmama who should be the most worried about her grandchildren rebelling against their homeland, was as calm as a lake on a beautiful day. She had lived the majority of her life in China and to her it would always be home , although her children had also lived quite a bit of their lives their, they still had lived no where near as many years as she had. This new place was most foreign to her, although she seemed perfectly content and fine here. Unlike most people who might find themselves in her position, she remained calm and impassive, seeming as though she is ignoring the ruckus that is going on around her. A normal person would most probably be worrying that the place they once called home would soon be forgotten, particularly with the attitude that Kiam had.

But making her special ones caused dissension in our family, and some shame. Grandmama being raised in a country where the culture, and the traditions are quite different from the ones in the present country where she resided in, was often looked down upon, or treated as an inferior by the natives. It didnt faze her what people thought of her, and her demeanor. She continued to do as she pleased, ignoring people, and their reactions. Some of her actions where embarrassing to the rest of the family, who wanted to desperately fit in, and blend in with the other families in this new land. As for the our neighbors, most understood Grandmama to be harmlessly crazy, others that she did indeed make lovely toys but for what purpose? Most people did not know her, but where still very judgmental of her, and the things that she does. Some did understand why she went through peoples' garbage cans and didnt care but to label her as crazy. The problem for the rest of the family was in the fact that Grandmama looked for these treasures wandering the back alleys of Keefer and Pender Streets, peering into our neighbors garbage cans, chasing away hungry, nervous cats and shouting curses at them. Some of the things that she was accustomed to doing in China, and which where acceptable their where looked down upon, and thought of as bizarre.

In conclusion, Grandmama is a laid-back and loving elderly woman. She cares about her family, however, on the contrary, doesnt care what people think of her and her doings. As well, she is relatively tenacious and is not easily persuaded by others. Even after she passes away she is always in her familys heart, and promises that she will never them or forget them, that they will always be together in spirit.

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Italy Bvlgari (Chinese interpreter: Bulgari), Cartier of France and the United States is the second after the world's third largest Tiffany jewelry brand. The brand comes from the Greek, the founder of Sotirios Bulgari Epirus region of Greece, a silversmith. In 1879, his family emigrated to Sotirios Naples, Italy, in Rome in 1884 he opened a silver shop, which sells beautiful silver sculpture.

Givenchy (GIVENCHY) founder Hubert de GIVENCHY was born in 1927 in Normandy, France Beauvais, a family of artists. wholesale Juicy Handbags That is showing off their artistic talent at an early age, Givenchy (GIVENCHY) at the age of ten to visit Expo Pakistan Liwan Guo clothing museum after they decided to become a fashion designer. During the period 1945-1949 was in Paris Lelong (Lucien Lelong), Cheung (RobertPiquet), Jie Fath (Jacques Fath), (Schiapareli) company as a designer.


Manhattan in New York in 1941, six l eather artisans by the exquisite craft, located in an attic in the family workshops to produce high-quality leather goods, COACH brand was born. The brand is also the United States by the market the longest and most successful brands of leather. It is said, COACH founder Liu Frankford first baseball glove from a pair of traditional production to get inspiration. The more you use a baseball glove he found that the more smooth, so he learn from his techniques, and after careful processing, the durable baseball glove leather becomes soft and durable. This presents a charming natural leather lines, and does not require complicated maintenance skills, but also to maintain the original appearance. Products include handbags, hats and accessories and so on. The spring of 2002, COACH has launched the Men's products, including shoes, scarves, bags, luggage, briefcase, belt, and many other categories.


Gucci, read u: tri:, is an Italian fashion brands, from G ucci Augustine Chi was founded in Florence in 1921. Gucci products include fashion, leather goods, shoes, watches, neckties, scarves, perfumes, household goods and pet supplies, Chinese translation Gucci, Gucci. Gucci has always been high-end fashion brands, luxury, sexy and famous, as "a symbol of status and wealth," Brand become rich consumer darling of high society, the business community has always been favored, while yet elegant fashion. Gucci is now Italy's largest fashion groups.

The modern casual wear.wholesale Prada Handbags Otherwise known as the American child actress and Chanel as "Chanel" in the name of the movie works.

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Preferred Top Fashion Brands

Diposting oleh Unknown | 22.27

One of the most preferred and top fashion brands in the country, Kazo has forayed into men's fashion with the introduction of their new line 'Kazo Man' over the fashion show in the capital recently. "There was constant demand from our customers regarding menswear. A lot of research and survey was required to understand the market and then we came up with this line. The idea behind this collection is to make men look younger and trendier and is for someone who wants to make his own style statement" shared Mr. Deepak Aggarwal, Kazo's Creative director.

The collection was a mix of everything from shirts, t-shirts, denims, pants, shorts to accessories like caps, scarves, etc; giving the effect of both muted elegance and extravagant grandeur. The re-assuring multi colour range which revolves around super dark tones like navy blue, asphalts, charcoal, grey, enforces a feeling of stability, quality and durability to the collection. Not only this, rust, mauve, yellow a nd green work alongside while black fulfills the role of adding graphic effect.

Jerseys like pique; viscose and slubs are refined by prints, studs and are fused with rough shapes and washes in order to retain key characteristics of the collection. Various techniques of mixing yarn dyed fabrics with prints and embroidery in an obsolete way leaves room for both grunge and modern fashion.

Present on the launch to unveil this trendy and fashionable line were the winners of MTV's reality show 'Roadies' and 'Splitsvilla'- Nauman Sait, Siddharth and Sakshi who were giving their best poses in Kazos latest collection. The main asset of this brand is that it is highly affordable, giving everyone a chance to feel great in their body and skin.

I am following this brand from very long and really like their trendy style of designing" said Sakshi. Nauman was quick to add "The garments designed for men are really fabulous with high wearability and practic ality quotient.

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Brand Satya Paul is well known for its innovative draping of clothes. The artist Satya Paul was born in Pakistan and came to India during the partition. He is the founder of the two best stores of India named Heritage and L'affaire. It is his son Puneet who along with his two partners founded the label Satya Paul named after his father in 1985. Brand Satya Paul is India's first fashion brand.

The liberal use of colours and experiments in form and style of clothes make brand Satya Paul a unique designer collection. The creations of Satya Paul are inspired by classical art, calligraphy, nature, sculptures and many other forms of art. Satya Paul saris, Satya Paul traditional wear and Satya Paul contemporary collections are hugely popular in India and abroad. Although the clothes come with an expensive price tag, they are worth it owing to their beauty and elegance.

In a fashion show Satya Paul showcased silhouettes that were feminine and glamorous. The c ollection displayed saris, lehengas, ball room gowns, tunics and kaftans. The fabrics used were chiffon, crepe, georgette and satin which had the oil painted look along with beautiful embellishments like mirror work, beads, jewels. The best part of this Satya Paul collection was the marine look given to clothes i.e. colours such as green, black and white and navy blue was used.

One of the most important contributions of Satya Paul to fashion is the innovative and beautiful way of draping Indian attire such as saris and salwar kameez. Satya Paul is a versatile brand which employs elements, designs and fabrics from all over the world. Satya Paul is a leading brand in women's wear not only in India but also abroad. It is hugely popular in countries like Japan, UAE, France, Italy, Germany and UK.

Satya Paul has an exclusive collection of ties named Tie Bar. Brand Satya Paul has a wide range of apparels consisting of saris, lehengas, bridal wear, salwar kame ez and also scarves, bags, accessories and fabrics. The brand Satya Paul has stores spanning across India i.e. in New Delhi, Mumbai, Banglore, and Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Baroda and many more cities in India.

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There arebasically 2ways ofapproaching the current economic downturn for a Luxury brand:

The Bad way is to compare the current situation vs the development of the category for the past 8 years. The feeling is close to be in front of big cliff with no arm and no leg to climb...Uncomfortable! ;-) As everything is relative, 2009 may be a bad year if compared to 2007, but still outstanding whether 2005 would be the reference.

The Good way is most probably to take a Blue Ocean Strategy approach andconsider this situation as a great opportunity to innovate. As the market is shrinking, it is critical to find new (or different) sourcesof growth.

The marketing of Luxury goods is driven mainly by a Pull strategy based on recipes which are considered as "Must Be" but without necessarily a pragmatic performance monitoring. The Ult ra-luxury brands will keep their clientele but manyothers do not have anymore references in a situation where attitudes and behaviors of clients are changing. Innovating in selling high-end goods means challenging the status-quo in some areas such as: making the brand more accessible and enhancing the experience at retail.

Once the quality of products, integrity of brand DNA and rationalization of the portfolio are secured. It remains...the Client. The most important is to keep the contact with the consumer as the desire to own a Jaeger-Lecoultre watch or a Bulgari accessory has not disappeared!

What could benew waysof interacting with consumerswith a positive and friendly attitude?

Targeted and smart Limited Editions

Beyond the marketing trick to issue 888 units of a specificaccessory to appeal Chine se consumers, there are ways of using limited editions as a strategic pillar of a brand. The core proposition of a brand A brand could decide to reverse the paradigm and to use restricted offers as the standard for its portfolio. The brand 20 Limited (designers from different categories commercializing a defined quantity of a product) is a good illustration.

Staying in touch with consumers
The fashion designer Marc Jacobs has launched in Paris in October 2008 his boutique Marc by Marc where limited editions of various accessories can be found in an exclusive environment at very accessible price (starting at 1.- Euro). It can be a clever way to generate proximity if the originality of the offer is still consistent with the brand DNA and the affordable price is not theunique benefit perceived by consumers. It helps to generate traffic in the retail stores and positive buzz for the brand.

Second hand products

A brand could initiate the commercialization of its second hand products in order to facilitate the access to its world and generate additional sources of revenues: It represents a risk in terms of brand image dilution but it is a business already well established for many brands which are not benefiting from it...whilst being a criteria of success for the cat egory. As an example, the Swedish fashion brand Filippa K has opened a second hand shop in Stockholm in summer 2008.

Renting is not a shame...anymore

It is becoming trendy to rentas it gives the opportunity to transform the absence of ownership intoa positive feeling to renew stuff regularly. It is not perceived anymore as a lack of purchasing power.

Fashion victims addicted to hanbags from Prada, Gucci & Co can now make their life a heaven by renting these precious and prestigious items with Sac de Luxe (French company).

Afficionados of Ferrari and Aston Martin have as well their passion fulfilled with Ecurie 25 which is based on a similar principle.

A new retail experience

It plays a major role in the perception of the brand and the decision maki ng process to acquire a luxury product. However, the current depressing economic climate is not encouraging consumers to push doors of Place Vendme's boutiques. Thus, it is even more critical to transform the contact with the consumer into a unique moment (onand off line).

The service level needs to exceed by far expectations through oustanding "Moments of Thruth" and/or the role given to the experience is to be encompassed into the overall brand proposition.

A fashion retail store in Los Angeles, Fashionlogy LA (already mentioned in a recent post), is transforming the purchase at the boutique into a master piece of the product itself.

The Watch Avenue website provides the potential client of some luxury watchmaking brands with the unique opportunity to experience brands and products on-line.

In a different environment, a wine retailer in Denmark, Gerbola Vin, is using Story Telling in an unconventional location as part of its core offer. This approach could support naturally luxury brands having a rich heritage.

Pop-up stores are a good platform to create a unique retail experience while being able to support other initiatives mentionned above. Vogue Magazine openeda Teen Vogue Holliday Haute Spot at the end of 2008 in a mall inthe US. It illustratesunconventional routesof using temporary presence in order to built proximity with a specific target and generate buzz.

If the client is not coming naturally to the brand, it is up to the brand to find sensitive strings to pull in order to feed the desire while staying accessible. It is difficult today to pre-empt what would be the sucessfull recipe for tomorrow. However, one critical factor will be the capability o f brands to keep the consumer in the centre of the radar screen while innovating in interacting with him or her.

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Today's fashion is devoted by all age groups, be it children, adults or elder people. Everyone wants to look stylish. Even old people want to look young and defy their age by wearing fashion clothing. In modern times, technology has a great link to fashion.

Have you heard of online fashion? Well if not, it is the latest craze amongst the people today. People have gone crazy about online fashion. Here technology and internet has a great part to play. One can avail the best Fashion brands online in a matter of a few minutes by the simple click of a few buttons. This has become extremely convenient as you need not go to fashion boutiques anymore if you want to pick up the latest creations in your favorite labels.

While you can always go to the stores of these designer brands to check out the latest styles, it is actually far more convenient to browse online catalogs, sometimes even in auction sites. Online shopping is becoming a socially connected event. As shoppers discover new products and reflect on their purchases. The best part is that with the advancement of technology, all these brands are available online.

Finding top brand clothes may seem difficult when you are on a budget, but now you do not have to worry about high prices of luxury fashion brands any more. You need not go anywhere any more to try to find Brand Labels at bargain prices. Popular Designer Labels such as Ralph Lauren, Versace, Armani, Burberry, Hugo Boss, etc. are the most wanted Fashion Labels that everyone wants to have and they are available at bargain prices.

Fashion Brands Distribution offers great discounts on clothing. There are jaw dropping discounts available, so that you can easily purchase them. Buying such brands online is very convenient and hassle free. Make your bargain and save up to 90% on our spectacular Bid Auctions!

Many people think that discounted clothes are not good. Fashion Brands Distribution offers great discounts on famous and 100% authentic brands. In fact Fashion Brands Distribution gives you branded clothes at discounts as high as fifty to sixty percent. Isn't that great? Only a fool would miss such an opportunity.

This article is written by an expert working at, a leading Designer Labels store offering huge variety of designer clothing brands such as Armani, Versace, Hugo Boss, Gucci and many more.

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Eley Kishimoto

Eley Kishimoto, is a global British fashion and design company with headquarters in London, UK. Founded in the early 1990's by Mark Eley and Wakako Kishimoto, the company is primarily known for its print design. The principle commercial activity of the company is womenswear fashion and accessories.

Benoit Pierre Emery

Benoit Pierre Emery (born July 9, 1970) is a French art director and a fashion designer based in Paris, France. A graduate of the Royal College of Art and of the cole nationale suprieure des arts dcoratifs, Benoit Emery began his career as a freelancer, working as an art director for Canal and Louis Vuitton.


Etro is an Italian fashion house and manufacturer of fabrics, furnishings and fragrances. It was founded in 1968 by Gimmo Etro. It is still a family business, with menswear headed since 1990 by Kean Etro, while his sister, Ve ronica, directs womenswear. Gimmo's eldest son, Jacobo, is in charge of the textile division, and brother Ippoliti handles the company finances from its headquarters in Milan.



Faonnable is a French high-end retailer specializing in tailored men's and women's clothing. The company started humbly as a small custom tailor shop that Jean Goldberg opened in 1950 on Rue Paradis in Nice, France. By 1958 the small tailor shop was making custom tuxedos for Hollywood stars that were in the Cote d'Azur for the annual Cannes Film Festival. In 1961 Jean Goldberg's son, Albert, took over the shop and renamed it Faonnable, a variation of the word "Faonner," which means "to create." Under his watch the company expanded and in 1973 opens its first boutiques in Monte Carlo, Cannes, Saint-Tropez, Lyon, and Marseilles, however it was not until 1984 that Faonnable opened an outlet in Paris.


Fendi is an Italian fashion house best known for its "baguette" handbags. It was launched in 1925 as a fur and leather shop in Rome, but today is a multinational luxury goods brand owned by LVMH. Karl Lagerfeld is the creative director.


Fiorucci is an Italian fashion label founded by Elio Fiorucci in 1967. The first shop exposed Milan to the styles of Swinging London and American classics such as the T-shirt and jeans. By the late 1970s and early 1980s this would be reversed, and the New York store would become famous for the fashions it introduced to the United States. Known as the "daytime Studio 54", it attracted trendsetters from Andy Warhol to a young Madonna.

Franck Sorbier

Franck Sorbier is a Paris fashion house that achieved haute couture status in 2005. After working successfully for Chantal Thomass and Thierry Mugler, the French fashion designer Franck Sorbier, wh o was born in 1961, presented his first collection in 1987. Then, some major stores, such as Bergdorf Goodman, Neiman Marcus in the United States, Seibu in Japan, noticed him. In 1995, The renowned French jeweller and watchmaker Cartier gave him the opportunity to present his winter 95/96 collection in a prestigious place, the "Carrousel du Louvre". In 1996, he became a member of the French Federation of Couture and Ready-To-Wear,supported by Jean-Paul Gaultier and Sonia Rykiel. In 1999, Franck Sorbier designed glasses for Vuarnet sunglasses. He presented his first Couture collection this same year.

Frost French

Frost French is a fashion label run by the British movie actress Sadie Frost and Jemima French. Frost French is a UK designing duo. They describe their designs as classical with a twist of pop, Frost French was established in 1999. FrostFrench have being showing in the U.K during London Fashion Week for nearly four years. Autumn/Winter 2007 show marked their 8th season on the runway. They have also appeared on Project Catwalk season 1, episode 3.

Fuchsia (clothing)

Fuchsia is an American fashion company and design house run by Veronica Scott and Lawren Pope, based San Diego, California. Fuchsia specializes in women's fashion, handbags, and accessories.

To be continued....

For information on fashion brands, trends keep visiting: and

Samta Khinda

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Fashion Branding

Diposting oleh Unknown | 22.07

Fashion Branding

How to brand your Clothes Line

Get started by determining what "feeling" you are attempting to portray with your business and brand name.

Naming your clothes line is very essential. It is the title and the search, of your business that tells your clients what "brand" you are. If you don't previously have a organization title, right here are a number of ideas to deciding on a title:

-Check out using your (or and your enterprise partners') name, but only if your title is distinct or distinctive. This provides the feeling of an artist or the primary designer and the organization ought to be an extension of that particular person and or his or her character.

-Use a life-style tactic. These names evoke a feeling or an era. These names come with visual concepts and are portion of branding due to the fact of that.

-Literal names explain precisely what the brand is. (Organic Apparel or Sustainable Households)

-You could decide on an intellectual type of title. These names are someday abritrary and from time to time only make sense to the designer or the proprietor only.

There is no proper or wrong brand title, but it does have to be some thing you like and are entirely satisfied with. Brainstorming is extremely essential in this step!

Following, concentrate on the actual layout of the logo and clothing tag. If you don't have any style or Adobe Photoshop encounter, you will almost certainly want to function with a specialist graphic designer to possibly transform your "hand drawn" logo to a personal computer file or to style you a thing from scratch. The "look" and the "feel" of the logo is just as crucial as the name due to the fact it will be on anything to do with your enterprise (enterprise cards, tags, advertisments, magazines, etc.). Don't be afraid to return to an old design and style or re-bran d your firm. Remember the shades! Hues have meanings and there are frequently-held assumptions about colors. Some of these are:

White is deemed a summer season colour. It is the sum of all the other colours in the spectrum and it displays light. Some brides put on white to symbolize innocence and purity and medical professionals typically put on white implying sterility.

Black absorbs light. Black is a timeless coloration when it arrives to fashion and is really fashionable. It is thought to be coloration of authority in our society. Depending on the other brand elements, black can be chic, modern day, edgy, or goth.

Red is believed to be great luck in China. It can be vixen but all American as well. It is the color of enjoy and passion so it is a quite sexy colour.

Green represents nature. It is calming on the human eye and can be a little cliche if you're employing it for an eco function.

Yellow can be overwhelming but it is a cheery and joyful shade. Yellow in fact enhances concentration, hence post its and yellow signs.

Orang e is healthful, alter, warmth and power. It is visually stimulating and demands focus. Its passionate and joyful (derived from red and yellow).

Pink can be girlie and youthful. Pale pink is really approachable and wearable. It is innocence and feelings all in a single. Pink is calming and gentle.

Blue shades can arrive across as relaxed or casual. Blue is the most well-known shade and is the opposite of red, so it provides the response of calmness and tranquility.

If you are setting up a bodily keep for your fashions, the store "experience" is a quite critical aspect. You have to begin an emotional connection appropriate in the retailer. You have to construct your story and entail your clients in that story. This brings us to the following most essential portion: definitely realizing your buyer! You have to know specifically who your true buyers are and not only what type of existence they reside, but also what type of life they a spire to reside. A clothing brand's internet site is just like the retailer, in terms of it has to have the exact same "story" and "experience".

If you are undertaking photography and ads for your style brand, make sure you select the appropriate model or models to signify your business.

Other than the obvious naming and getting a very well made logo and photographs of your company, there are a lot of other items you can do to brand the organization additional. Commence by producing brand loyalty and buyer loyalty. Get concerned in vogue trade exhibits and get observed on trend blogs and forums. Use social media (facebook, twitter) to your advantage and get inventive with your posts and discounts! Lastly, you want brand longevity? Assume "lifestyle"!

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UK Fashion Brands

Diposting oleh Unknown | 21.56

Clothes are no longer considered as merely an article of covering the human body. It's more of an obsession and a status symbol all over the world. Nowadays in UK and all over the world, famous fashion brands have become an easy way to gain status symbol.

Although the Italian designers are known as the pioneers of fashion clothing, but UK logo designers have added their share in building famous UK fashion brands. A world famous UK fashion brand example is "FCUK" a renowned label acclaimed by UK fashion brand "French Connection".

Following are 5 of UK's most prestigious fashion brands and their logo design with a brief account.

Dorothy Perkins

Established in 1909 under the name H. P. Newman, this brand altered its name to Dorothy Perkins in 1919. It is a large British women's clothing retailer, basically working in the United Kingdom.

Ben Sherman

Founded in 1963 by Arthur Bernard Sugarman, this brand has its roots in Brighton, UK. It caters casual clothing line for men, women, youths, and children.

Marks & Spencer

Marks & Spencer (M&S) is a prominent British retail brand. It is the largest clothing retailer in the United Kingdom and the 43rd largest retailer in the world.

Frence Connection

French Connection is most renowned for the logo design "FCUK" as its brand. It was established in 1972 by Stephen Marks in UK to create elegant and stylish apparel that appealed to a wide market.


Next was established in 1864 by Joseph Hepworth in Leeds as "Joseph Hepworth & Son". It is famous for its wide variety of self-labeled & branded products for men, women & kids.

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Most of the time, you will notice that you even if the clothes that you are wearing seems to be incomplete even if it is already expensive and elegant. This is because you may lack the use of proper accessories for your clothing. With this, you have to know that it is still important to invest on the right accessories.

However, you have to know that every accessory has their own benefits for the overall fashion statement. With this, you can say that not all accessories will match a clothing or fashion statement. So if you want to have several types of accessories for all of your clothes, you can buy wholesale accessories so you will have a number of different options to choose from as you will have a number of different types of accessories to match your fashion statement.

The good news about getting these wholesale accessories is that there are already directories available online that will be helpful in getting many accessories for their use. These directories are the best ways for you to look for the companies that offer accessories. In this way, you will know all the companies that sell the accessories that you need for your fashion.

One of the good things about these directories is that they have descriptions of the store upon looking at the directories. These descriptions can serve as wholesale review about the company. This is because it will give the clients an overview of what the company sells. With this description, it will be possible for people to easily choose the companies that they will work with by just looking at the directory's homepage.

Aside from the description, you can also look for a number of wholesale review providers in the market these days. These reviews will not just give you an overview of what the client offers but also an in depth discussion of the company. This will help you better in knowing the reliable companies that can provide you high quality accessories that you can try out to complete your fashion sense.

There are now a number of different accessories directories in the market these days. You just need to look for them through a number of different search engines to give you more results. If you will look closely, there could be some directories that can be found in one search engines but not found on the others. In this way, you are expanding your search and helping you get more options for the company. This will not only be helpful for people who would like to sell accessories for additional income since they can put additional profit on them.

Overall, buying these accessories is something that will be helpful for every consumer in terms of the fashion that they like. And if they would like to get the right accessories, the directories will be the best place for them to look for different companies to get those that offer high quality accessories that they can use daily.

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From time immemorial, Italy is famous all around the world to be the country of art, culture and above all in the last years, the country of fashion and design.

In fact, there's a lot of young students coming from every corner of the world who come to Italy to learn the language and at the same time, to keep on studying fashion and fashion design.

In order to meet those students' needs, the Italian language school for foreigners Scuola Leonardo da Vinci located in Milan, created a very special course: the Italian Preparatory Course for Fashion Shows.

The course has a duration of 3 weeks and was thought for anyone who wish to have a direct contact with the concept of Made in Italy and the Italian fashion world. During these 3 weeks, students will attend 20 hours of lessons in class and other 20 hours dedicated to out door visits to showrooms, fashion fa irs and real fashion shows.

Thanks to this course, students will have the chance to be present at the preparation of a fashion show in the capital of Italian fashion, Milan; they will follow step by step the several passages which take to the final result: the magnificent fashion shows created by the greatest fashion stylists.

Students will be in close contact with the professionals of the sector and they will learn much of the extraordinary world which is hidden behind a showroom and behind the extravagant catwalks of the fashion shows.

Especially suitable for all students who study in fashion field and wish to have a direct contact with the Italian reality of this sector, the course was created by School Leonardo da Vinci of Milan to encourage students to meet Italian culture.

Next Italian Preparatory Course for Fashion Show will start in June, during 3 weeks between 8th and 26th.

So guys, if fashion is your passion and your talent, and you are real fash ion addicts this is the right course for you.

For further information about Dates & Prices and much more, visit the School Leonardo da Vinci website.

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This Korea fashion online store offers various styles of fashion wear to international locations. Providing Korean clothing internationally, exports its wholesale womens apparel to countries like Thailand, Singapore, USA, and Canada. Their offers include off-shoulder T-shirts, wholesale cheap party dresses, chic halter tops, and several other fashionable ladies wear. You can shop for ladies apparel wholesale at Asianfashion4u when you want to put up your own clothing boutique. You have the liberty to fill it with the smart and stylish junior ladies party dresses of Asianfashion4u. Or else, you can equip it with charming blouses or hip elastic pants.

Do you want to have an easy access to various fashion styles? Visit the online site of Asianfashion4u. They provide Korea fashion clothing; marketing dresses, blouses, pants, skirts and accessories. This wholesale online shopping mall is licensed to conduct business within Hong Kong. Its Japan & Ko rea fashion clothing is different from most of the apparel items which are sold at some fashion stores. The main difference would be the price for these wholesale dresses. When you shop from this cute trendy clothes wholesaler, you will be able to avail of off price clothing label from a wide selection. On the other hand, the collection of Asianfashion4u is not limited to wholesale Korea style clothing. They also have several trends coming from LA and Japan, which are sold at the most affordable amount.

In general, Asianfashion4u offers the following: designer clothes wholesale, party dress wholesale, cute dress wholesale, and other items as well. You may opt for its accessories which consist mostly of cotton socks, elastic socks, and winter hats. On the other hand, you can also purchase Love Pearls. This online fashion store also sells cocktail dresses and party dresses. If you are planning to attend a party and you want an outstanding and sexy party dress, you might want to search on their website. This is very suitable for you when you want to charm all the guys at the party.
There are many Hong Kong fashion wholesalers and Asianfashion4u is one of them. But you will be able to distinguish it from other clothing suppliers from the Korean clothing wholesale that it sells. If you ask other customers, they would say that Asianfashion4u is one of the best Asian fashion wholesale suppliers within the industry. There are many Japan fashion suppliers supplying goods with the same pictures in and at lower prices, but the outfit and styles these Hong Kong and China suppliers provided are totally different from the original photos. Moreover, they are producing in cheap fabrics that even could not be sold at our stores at discounted prices.

Asianfashion4u, this fashion wholesale company is regarded as a real Japan & Korea fashion online store. This is due to the styles of the apparel that it sells are in better quality in the low wholesale prices products market. Most of the wholesale dresses and clothing of Asia nfashion4u are derived from the fashion style of the Koreans, Japanese, and the fashion addicts of LA. You can see this from knitted dresses and blouses, big bows or ribbons on the front of the apparel, checkered cotton knee socks, checkered designs, and 2-in-1 blouses. You can also notice a hint of Hong Kong fashion from the clothing wholesale line of Asianfashion4u. If you want to shop for women clothes wholesale, sign up for free membership online.

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Are you planning to visit Milan this February and you are interested in Italian Fashion?

Weather you are a professional in a fashion field, or simply fashion addicted person interested in following everything that is related to new fashion trends, take the occasion to participate to Scuola Leonardo da Vinci professional preparatory course for Fashion Shows.

One of a kind in Italy, this course will permit you to dip into Italian Fashion System and its secrets by being directly involved in Milans Fashion Week scenery. It will allow you to interact and learn from professionals in the business, and provide you with a real world knowledge of the Italian fashion industry.

The course is designed to be extremely practical and to give you an in depth look at the world of fashion. That is why the course is carefully programmed to combine class hours with practical on site visits with professionals in different areas of the fashi on industry. All the lectures are held by fashion experts, designers, fashion journalists and fashion buyers.

You will be given a tour of the most popular shops located in the heart of the world famous Milans Fashion District. All the students that enroll to our Preparatory course for Fashion Shows will have the opportunity to visit Sfilate, the catwalks, where some of the industrys top models can be seen showing famous collections from all over the world.

The subjects that will be faced during the course are all related to the organization and importance of the Italian Fashion system, touching the main points such as: fashion trends, famous brands, famous designers, the business of fashion and fashion merchandising.

Our course program is extremely flexible, since the world of fashion is always changing and we wish to keep our students consistently up-to-date with the emerging trends and practical industry applications specific to fashion shows.

In class you will analyze forms of fashion styling through some the most famous It alian fashion magazines such as: Vogue Italia, Amica, Marie Claire, Elle, and you will study the successful business models of iconic companies like Dolce & Gabbana and Giorgio Armani. You will study the pipeline of fashion distribution, and different modes of industry communication and media.

You can experience all this and more in your Preparatory Course Fashion Show here at Scuola Leonardo Da Vinci in Milan.

The Preparation course for Fashion Shows is taught in Italian so it is advised that you have an intermediate level of language in order to be able to follow the lessons without problems. In case you still dont have this kind of knowledge of Italian, dont worry, we also offer many different types of Italian Language classes that can properly prepare you for your Fashion Shows course.

Our next Fashion Show Course will start on February 15th 2010 and it will last for three weeks.

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Posted By:Jasa Pembuatan Website

Addiction Treatment Information

Diposting oleh Unknown | 21.28

Ever really wonder why ten percent of the population needs addiction treatment of some sort or another? One would think with all of the research and development efforts expended more knowledge about the addictive qualities contained in drugs would be made available. This is obviously not the case making the major problem to identify effective addiction treatment methods impossible due to the misleading information given about addiction, drugs and alcohol.

Addiction is a condition characterized by repeated, compulsive seeking and use of drugs, alcohol or other similar substances despite adverse social, mental and physical consequences. It is usually accompanied by psychological and physical dependence on the abused substance and the appearance of withdrawal symptoms when the addictive substance is rapidly decreased or terminated. When addiction exists, the drug use controls the individual rather than the individual controlling the usage.

In order to overcome dependence on drugs or alcohol, any substance really one must understand addiction and to do so would have to look at all the negative aspects caused by abusing substances. There are a series of physiological effects that take place within the brain and body that dramatically increase the desire to not only continue the abuse but also require more of the drug to produce the same effect. The first euphoric effects felt at the outset of drug or alcohol abuse are sought with a terrific effort.

First, drugs negatively influence the neurological balance of the brain setting off the release of neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and others causing the feeling of euphoria. This depletes the supply of naturally produces "feel good" chemicals in the brain and burns up tremendous amounts of nutrients, the fuel needed to produce more of these. Now with the neurotransmitter levels depleted and the inability of the body to produce more depression and anxiety set, otherwise known as coming down. This increases the desire to use more, and requires more of the drug to produce the same effect.

Second, drugs, any drugs are received by the body as toxins and are handled as such. All toxins are processed via the liver and kidneys, broken down into particles that are then disbursed back into the bloodstream. This design is supposed to allow the toxins to exit the body via the sweat gland or intestinal tract. Unfortunately these toxins are now fat bonding particles that can lodge in the fatty tissues of the body for undetermined length of time, as has been proven with the metabolites produced by marijuana.

These toxic particles are continually built up in the fat stores of the body causing continued nutritional deficiencies, making the addict feel worse and wanting more. This desire overrides any other thing in life, things that matter the most, like family, friends, job and quite often freedom and life. This culminates into feelings of hopelessness; guilt and inability of function in life or interact in a sane fashion.

Addiction treatment programs that reverse these toxic effects will produce improvement in the addicts overall disposition and offer. There are some rehabilitation programs that have greatly improved psychological test scores with nutritional therapy alone. Addiction treatment centers that start from the ground up by handling physical addiction and then mental emotional issues work far better than traditional treatment options.


Posted By:Jasa Pembuatan Website

For those that are fashion addicts, fashion catalogues are regarded as to be their best allies. Folks all over the world who really like to dress up in a fashionable manner may be observed flipping through pages of catalogues in their search for clothes which will undoubtedly look excellent on them. Should you be one of those people who desire to dress up and look very good, then it is crucial for you to learn the way to use the catalogues to your greatest benefit. This way, you'll certainly appreciate the results of scanning by means of catalogue pages.

Clothing catalogue indeed plays an extremely vital role in ensuring that you mix and match clothing items inside the most desirable manner possible. It allows you to look into the newest trends and offer yourself an update with regards to the new clothes which are worthy to be worn, particularly on parties. When you gain information on the most recent trends, then you may be able to amaze individuals with how fashi onable it is possible to get. This is the primary reason why catalogues are regarded as to be excellent for fashion addicts like you.

In order for you to get one of the most out of flipping the pages of fashion catalogues, it's advisable for you to get suggestions with regards to the clothing items present in there. You must study the fashion styles presented inside the pages and figure out if those are suitable for you. Keep in mind that an ideal style is something that looks great on you. These incorporate clothes that might look unconventional but suits perfectly to your figure and your personality. This way, you may have the ability to enhance your chances of inspiring and impressing men and women with regards to your fantastic sense of fashion.

You'll be able to also use the catalogues to your greatest advantage by drawing inspiration from it when it comes to developing wardrobes that fit your specific lifestyle. It is possible to also check the pa ges for specific details about accessories. It is possible to find relevant details there particularly those that are related to the kinds of accessories that will match for a certain dress. You can also find the very best and the newest trends in hairstyles and make-ups. With all of this data, it is possible to anticipate to come out as really fashionable, chic and elegant and this will certainly amaze folks.

But within your search for probably the most fashionable lines of clothing by means of catalogues, you need to be sure which you don't turn out to be a fashion victim. This means which you wear exactly whatever it really is that you simply see on a page of a magazine or a catalogue without even assessing if it is going to suit perfectly for you. You can find those who right away emulate whatever fashionable clothes they see on catalogues only to come out as a total disaster. Because of this, you have to make sure which you do not come out like this as soon a s you determine to scan fashion catalogues in order to obtain details about great clothes.

Posted By:Jasa Pembuatan Website

Fashion online is the new favorite word amongst the fashion lovers today. This is because many people today prefer to buy clothes and other things online. There are innumerable sites that offer such facilities. All you have to do is go on these sites and register yourself. One such wonderful site is fashion and you which provides clothes for online buying. If you are someone who loves shopping but does not have time, then you should definitely do online shopping.

Online Fashion gives a variety of options to choose from apart from being extremely advantageous. On one page of site only you can get many types of clothes to choose from. Whether you want seasonal clothes or other special ones by certain designers you can get them online. There are all types of clothes available- jeans, shirts, t shirts, pants, trousers, shorts, gowns, cargos, tunics and suits. Online shopping can be a paradise for both and women. But you have to be careful, lest it becomes addictive.

Fashion online is easy to operate. Anyone who has the basic understanding of how the computer works can do shopping. You just have to pay online through credit or debit card. And for that you have to be a member of the site you want to buy from. This gives you a lot of benefits. The latest deals will be made available to you. And if you are regular customers you may get some items free of cost too. Also, they will provide you with a large array of clothes from where you can get what you want. This may not be available to the regular customers. Online Fashion makes shopping a hassle free experience. Fashion online sometimes gives lot of discounts on designer and branded clothes. This is great news for all the fashion addicts who want branded clothes at least price. Here lots and lots of heavy discounts are available. Also, you can then mix and match these and buy which have the lowest prices.

Online Fashion is hence preferred by many. Many men and women today are doing online shopping.


Posted By:Jasa Pembuatan Website

Teenage fashion has no boundaries

Diposting oleh Unknown | 21.19

Are you a teenage fashion addict?

Looking every day on the internet for new clothing items?

Nowadays teenage fashion has no boundaries - no meter were in this World you live if you have a TV or internet, new ideas about how you should dress get into your mind as you surf the internet looking for your idol or switching the channels on the remote-control.

You might be living in Asia or Europe and get the ideas about how you need to dress from the same Pop Princess, Diva, television star, whatever, you name it. And so you get to look like another girl from another continent, yet all of you out-there want to be unique. We better learn we are pretty much the same.

This fashion avalanche witch seems that has no boundaries is indeed freedom for teens or it makes them be addicted of wanting to shop more so they can look more like their favorites?

In the past if some starlet was wearing an unique outfit nobody could think of buying, now you can find a lot of opportunity's to buy the exact copy of the dress that one celebrity wear it on the red carpet, and nevertheless at a cheaper price.

The weirdest thing i thought about while writing this article is:

So yes! We want to be unique, but so does everybody else. We better learn we are pretty much the same, save some money and stop this addiction before it wears us out. It's good for your health and it's good for your pocket.


Posted By:Jasa Pembuatan Website

Earlier, not everyone could afford wearing pearls. Due to their rarity and high price, pearls were an item of adornment for aristocrats and royal people only. Ordinary people could just dream of wearing pearl jewelry. Evidently, pearls are known as priceless treasure. People usually wear them on special occasions to enhance the aura of their personality.

With the introduction of newer techniques of pearl cultivation, owning pearls has become so easy. Now, people dont have to depend on hunting for natural pearls but they can get equally promising cultivated pearls which shine like original pearls. However, while cultivating the best quality pearls, it is important to look into various aspects of the process like water quality, temperature, season, oyster and seeding. Also, production techniques are getting improved at a faster pace, making easier for ordinary people for owning quality pearls. Pearls have become not only valuable but also affordable.

The introduction of cultivated pearls has inspired many jewelry designers to create jewelries that can please peoples interest to the maximum. With more and more people start inclining towards the glow of pearls, designers are bound to create interesting designs using the magic of pearls. If you are looking for a special design and style, flipping the pages of a jewelry magazine or looking at the online jewelry stores will help you a lot. Be it an earring, a ring, a bracelet, a necklace and etc., pearls can make a simple-looking jewelry into a truly desirable jewelry item. Choose anything that may add its unblemished shine to your personality and make your different in a company. You can also ask a designer to create a customized design and style in Pearl jewelry to make you really happy.

Get it from yourself or gift it to others, a pearl jewelry can enhance serve so many purposes.


Posted By:Jasa Pembuatan Website

Fashion as a business provides a perfect opportunity for all those who are passionate about fashion and follow the latest trends religiously. As everybody is getting fashion conscious, this industry is only booming with every passing day. So put your talent to some use and if you get all the things right, then you are sure to go places.

If you breathe, eat and drink fashion, then apart from being a prospective customer of various fashion stores, why don't you look at your passion in a different way and start making prospective customers for yourself? I guess you must have understood what I am trying to convey and in case you haven't, then in straight forward sense, I meant that if you are so good at fashion and keep a regular track of latest trends, then why not take it up as a business and open your own fashion store. It is time that you put your talent to some use.

As a fashion addict, you must be well aware that what's in and what's not, this kno wledge is one of the prerequisites for setting up a fashion store. In case you are doubtful of its success, then keep one thing in mind that if you are doing your job in a perfect manner, then there is no stopping, as these days a large section of people, from a teenager to a grown up, is fashion conscious and day by day, more and more people are joining this section.
As far as the question comes as to what kind of fashion store you will open, then take a look at your own interests, that is where the answer to the question lies. Even though you are conscious of each and everything and when you dress, you like to be perfect from head to toe, but there has to be a part which interests you the most and you have the largest collection of that stuff. That can be outfits or any kind of accessories. If cuts and designs are your thing, then go for an apparel store.

If you love accessories, then also there has to be a specific kind of accessory of which you are crazy about and every time you go out for shopping, you tend to get at least one piece or pair of it, even if you went for shopping something else. Basically whichever kind of junkie you are, like foot wear or bags or jewelry, go for that for your business. You can have that thing as your main attraction and also have a separate small section for other accessories. If you get all things right, then you are sure to go places, as accessories are ruling the fashion world and you very well know this fact.

After deciding upon the kind of fashion store, you need to take some thoughtful decisions like the right location for the store, getting the perfect interiors and the most important thing, i.e, to get in touch with a reliable and experienced manufacturer and supplier for your items. You can browse online for doing the search work as there are many apparel and accessories suppliers who operate online. You can also go through the list of various bag or shoes or fashion jewelry suppliers, in case you want a customized store. Just make sure that all decisions are carefully decisions, as you might be exploring your talent but don't forget that fashion is a serious business.


Posted By:Jasa Pembuatan Website

A Hermes obsession takes a lot of work. The prestige and appeal that comes with owning one of their timeless bags is not easily acquired. The most famous Hermes handbag, the Kelly Bag, is among those most coveted by bag snobs. Coming in at a close second is the Birkin, one of the most popular of all Hermes purses. These two bags are in hot demand by celebrities far and wide.

Dozens of show business personalities are often seen sporting Hermes handbags in airports, on the streets of New York, and on the West Coast. Some of the most notable figures include:

Kelly Osborne: The queen of darkness, Kelly was spotted working a crocodile Birkin with her signature look of black on black. The bag was accented by a black dress, a cocky hat, and Kellys black as night lined eyes.

Katie Holmes & Suri: Spotted on Madison Avenue of New York, little Suri had her own pint-sized version of Moms orange Hermes shopping bag. Later on, Katie was seen with a rare burgun dy Garden Party Handbag that looked more like a boarding bag. The Hermes handbag offset her black pencil skirt and red heels. With all the goodies that could be stuffed into that spacious bag, Holmes was ready for anything.

Nicole Ritchie: Rocking a bag the way only Nicole can, the star ducked under the radar with her orange Birkin at a defensive driving course. She paired the classic bag with up black leggings and boots.

Britney Spears: The young mother was seen sporting a classic Kelly Bag, complete with her little doggy! On a shopping trip, the singer paired her black crocodile bag with a sheer, purple dress. Even after a little fender bender, all that was noticeable was Spears Hermes handbag in the center of the paparazzis shots.

Victoria Beckham: Nobody bends is like Vicky when it comes to Hermes purses. Easily voted the most avid collector among celebrities, Beckham is rumored to own close to fifty of the handbags. It seems that the white Birkin is among her favorites; shes paired it with white capris and a blue and white nautical mini hoodie, as well as jeans, a poet top, and her caramel boots. The former Spice Girl kicked it up a notch when she was noticed carrying a Himalayan Croc Birkin decked out with diamonds. Her classic black dress and broach paled in comparison to the rare Hermes handbag on her arm.

Grace Kelly: The woman who started the revolution! Then former starlet and new Princess of Monaco was spotted in New York in 1956 carrying a black crocodile Hermes handbag to cover her pregnant tummy. (Inside was the future Princess Caroline, also a future Hermes owner.) The bag was known forever afterward as the Kelly bag, and is ranked in the top five classic bags by BagSnob.

< p> Jane Birkin: The woman for whom the Birkin was created, Jane had a chance encounter with Dumas-Hermes on a plane when she dropped her date book. Some time later, Dumas-Hermes designed a bag for her that is now the commonly recognized Birkin bag.

Carolyn Bessette Kennedy: With John Junior on her arm, and dressed down in a simple but elegant black dress, her Kelly bag almost went unnoticedbut not quite. The graceful woman carried the bag in gloved hands, reminding the world that above all else, she was still a lady.

Kelly Klein: The former Mrs. Klein seems to have switched teams and is now batting for Hermes. She was seen sporting a powder blue Birkin to complement her casual uniform of jeans (Calvin Kleins?), black riding boots and jacket, and a black turtleneck.

The differences between the Kelly and Birkin bags are not always easily spotted. Similar in size and textiles, their most notable differences are not always detected by the naked eye.

Each Kelly bag takes an average of 18 hours for production, with the entire construction tackled by a single craftsman.

The Hermes house turns out 5 Birkins each weekly.

The Kelly is closed at the top, while the Birkin is open, making it the less formal of the two.

The Birkin has two handles, while the more formal Kelly has only one.

Want to know more about authentic Hermes handbags? Visit for more articles on LV,Gucci,Chanel,Hermes and other designer bags.

Visit for latest Gucci Handbags,Pursese and Bags Reviews

Visit for Latest LVHandbags,Purses and Bags Reviews


Posted By:Jasa Pembuatan Website